We have a special collection for our homeschooling families in the community. Just let a librarian know that you homeschool and are not enrolled with a local school district, and we will change your library card profile to Educator. After this is done, you will be able to check out any of our great educational items from the homeschool collection, and you will also have a 4-week loan period for all items used for educational purposes. The homeschool collection is available to adult library patrons with Cook Memorial Library cards. Materials from the homeschool collection cannot be sent through interlibrary loan.

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AtoZ the USA/World/World Culture

AtoZ the USA contains more than 115 country-specific articles and 115 state articles for each of the 50 US states, five US territories, and the District of Columbia. Library patrons and students will find unmatched coverage of the country’s people, history, economy, geography, symbols, culture, and society. What will you learn today?
AtoZ the World, provides information about world history, cultures, languages, foods, religions, and much more. With 174 Country Culture Guides covering more than 60 topics each, AtoZ the World offers a breadth and depth of content that is unmatched by any other single resource. What will you learn today?
AtoZ World Culture, provides information about world history, cultures, languages, foods, religions, and much more. With 174 Country Culture Guides covering more than 60 topics each, AtoZ World Culture offers a breadth and depth of content that is unmatched by any other single resource. What will you learn today?
These databases are supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the State Library of Oregon.