Place a Hold Online

  1. Clicking on the Manage Your Library Account button in the upper righthand corner of this page, then Login.
  2. Enter your library card number and PIN. Your PIN is usually the last 4 digits of your phone number unless you have specifically changed it.
  3. Using the “What are you looking for?” box, search for the item you wish to put on hold; it is recommended that you select “Sage Library System” as your Library location. Note: There may be several editions of the same item. You can see which edition has more copies by clicking on the title and looking at the bottom of the resulting page. This will list how many libraries own the item, and whether it is available or not.
  4. Click on the Place Hold button on the right side of the screen.
  5. Select pickup library and click on Place Hold(s).

If you cannot place a hold on an item, the following reasons might be why:

  • The item may have been designated as local holds; i.e. held on reserve for the patrons of the owning library.
  • The item may have designated as in library use only. Typically, such items are reference materials, or are too rare or fragile to circulate.
  • Patrons with fines in excess of $5 cannot place holds on library materials.

If you have difficulty placing a hold on an item, please contact the library for assistance. If you cannot locate your item within the Sage system, you might be able to borrow it from a library outside the consortium.

Renew an Item Online

  1. Clicking on the Manage Your Library Account button in the upper righthand corner of this page, then Login.
  2. Enter your library card number and PIN. Your PIN is usually the last 4 digits of your phone number unless you have specifically changed it.
  3. Click on Items Checked Out.
  4. Check in the boxes to the left of individual items you wish to renew..
  5. Click on the Go button.

If you cannot renew an item, the following reasons might explain why:

  • Another patron has a hold on the item.
  • You have exceeded the renewal limit for that item.
  • Patrons with fines in excess of $5 cannot renew library materials.

Please contact the library if you are having difficulty renewing an item.

Holds Tutorial Video