The Colleen F. Johnson Community Room at Cook Memorial Library is available for public use for meetings and special events. Such use could include board meetings, public hearings, concerts and performances, lectures, and much more.
Up to 100 people can occupy the room. The room can be booked up to 1 year in advance. While every effort is made to accomodate use of the room, the library cannot guarantee availability for regular weekly or monthly events.
For better meeting faciliation and for the convenience of your guests, WiFi access is NOW available outside of regular library hours: Monday thru Saturday – 7:00am – 9:30pm and Sunday – 10:00am – 6:00pm.
The following furniture and equipment are available for your use:
- 80 chairs (extra rack in storage closet)
- 10 tables (extra in storage closet)
- Podium/stool
- Portable microphone
- One portable whiteboard
- Two projection screens
- Projector/laptop/cords
- A kitchenette with sink